About the Patient Participation Group




About the Patient Group

The purpose of a Patient Participation Group is to ensure that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided by their practice. These groups can be crucial in providing us with patient feedback on the access to the surgery and systems such as appointment booking but also helping us to make the experience attending the surgery a positive one for all.

We are looking for a broader range of patients to join in order to give a good balance to the group. 

PPG Image


Members of the PPG

The PPG consists of up to 10 member including a representative from the Practice.

  • James Guillum Scott  ( Chair)
  • Jane Wood  (Deputy Chair)
  • Dr Jon Fenton (Practice Representative)
  • Lauren Garrison
  • Linda Martin
  • Julia James
  • Jackie Laister

The PPG meets at least four times a year.


What does the PPG do?

The NHS in West kent is supportive of PPGs and is keen to see more patients engage with their local practice and on wider health issues.  It recognises that this involves two different but complementary PPG roles:  1. helping their GP practice to improve services for patients and 2. contributing to the NHS's clinical commissioning plans.

  1. The PPG helps the Practice communicate and build prositive relationshsips with it patients population.  The core objective of the PPG is to support the Practice to achieve its health promotion aims by liaising between patients and the Practice.  It is a forum for considering the wider issues of running the practice, and for introducing new ideas and initiative.  Patients' views are sought through regular patient surveys, which are analysed to formulate an action plan, which is implemented by the Practice.
  2. The PPG is invited to comment on the NHS's plans for care provision in all area as they come under review, such as emergency provision, frailty management, diabetes treatment, etc.  Your experience of NHS treatment is a valued input to planning furure provision.  Yalding surgery is supportive of the NHS's patient-driven model, and welcomes patients getting involved.

The PPG does not deal with individual issues beween doctor and patient.


Interested in joining?

If you are interested in joining our Patient Reference Group, please complete our secure online form and an Officer of the Group will get back to you as soon as possible.


The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.