Our Appointment System




We are aware of the issues around appointment confirmation texts not being sent. Please bare with us whilst we work hard to fix this issue.

Before booking an appointment please check who is best placed to deal with your condition:


Many conditions can be dealt with without the need to see your GP. You can try a local pharmacy for advice about a range of conditions and we also have lots of self help information available by clicking here.

Please try this advice before contacting the Practice.

book appointment with GP


Please don’t be offended if you are asked what the problem is when you ring to book an appointment.
This is called Care Navigation and it’s about helping you get to the service you need!

Find out more about Care Navigation



During the current pandemic we are offering telephone consultations only with a GP or our paramedic. Each case will be assessed during the telephone consultation, you may then be offered a face to face appointment with either a GP or our Paramedic.

Contact the surgery during working hours, either in person or by telephoning, to make an appointment.

You are free to make an appointment with the doctor of your choice, but if you ask to see a specific doctor you may have to wait a few days. We would however ask that patients remain with the same doctor for a specific problem until it has resolved or come to its natural conclusion. We would ask, that when booking GP appointments patients keep it for one problem or issue.


Same day appointment surgeries

Same day appointment clinics run on Monday/Tuesday/Friday these are for on the day booking commencing at 08:00am.

The Clinic times are as follows:

  • Monday: 12pm - 4.40pm
  • Tuesday: 9pm - 4.20pm
  • Wednesday: 12.30pm - 4.50pm
  • Friday: 12.30pm - 5pm

Please note for all the above clinics you will now need to call from 8:00am on the day.

We will also be increasing the number of on the day urgent appointments available Monday - Friday.

Sevenoaks Urgent Treatment Centre

Based at Sevenoaks Hospital

  • Open 8am-8pm, 7 days a week 365 days a year and has two GPs stationed there throughout the day.
  • The service is suitable for patients for same day appointments that cannot wait 24hrs to be seen.

Patients can be seen by a GP in the UTC either by obtaining an appointment through NHS 111 by asking for a booked appointment, or alternatively signposted to attend as a walk-in.


Further Information